Safety Training

      1.0 PURPOSE

The purpose of the document is to provide a consistent and effective safety induction and training procedure.


This Procedure is applicable to all situations where (YOSC OIL & GAS) Management is responsible for the implementation of a OH&S Management System at site.


The Manager (each branch/department) is responsible for its authorization and implementation in co-ordination with the HSE General Manager.



4.1.1  General Orientation

Each employee hired to work in (YOSC OIL & GAS) sites will receive a safety orientation, which shall include the following:

              • Local safety regulations that apply

              • Basic Site HSE rules

              • Hazard communication program

              • Site Emergency Preparedness Plan

              Each new employee shall be provided a copy of the information package presented at the orientation and be given sufficient time to review its contents.


              A designated person(s) (OH&S trainer & responsible manager) shall verbally review the orientation with the new employees and give said employees a chance to question items they do not understand

               A small quiz will be held to the new employee by OH&S trainer to demonstrate his knowledge towards OH&S and his ability to do his job (if he fails in the exam, so he is not allowed to work in (YOSC OIL & GAS)’s site)

              At the end of the orientation each new employee shall sign and date an acknowledgement sheet stating they received a copy of the subject matter presented, that they were given a chance to question its contents and that they understand their responsibility in regards to safety. The signed acknowledgement shall be placed in each employee’s personnel folder.

          An ID photograph (OH&S ID Card) will be issued to the employee after the attendance of the Company Safety Induction. The same card shall be used to record any further OH&S Initial or Refresher training that is required to be given in accordance with (YOSC OIL & GAS) OH&S Training Standard Matrix.

4.1.2  Departmental OH&S Orientation

              Each Line Manager orientates its new employees assigned to their department in rules and regulations specific to their type of work activities.

              Line Managers shall document the contents of their orientation and furnish copies to the HSE Department.

              Line Managers shall keep attendance records of said HSE Orientations.



All employees will receive training about hazardous chemicals they use or may be exposed to during the course of their jobs.

This training should be done at the same time as the “New Employee Safety Orientation."   Furthermore, initial and refresher training shall be done in accordance with the Training Standard Matrix

              Records of training shall be kept at the HSE Office.


              Specific OH&S Training is mandatory and shall be conducted in accordance with the Training Standard Matrix, otherwise an external OH&S training exist and according to plan.

              Written records must be maintained documenting all training performed during the contract of personnel.  These records must be maintained by the HSE Department till the end of the individual contract and then transferred to the Archiving Unit for retention as per the Record Management procedure.

              All training noted above shall be conducted by a competent person designated and approved of the HSE General Manager.

              In addition, someone will also need to be in control of the toolbox talk/ pre-job meeting to ensure all personnel are aware of the task, the documented procedures to be followed and their responsibilities.
